Friday, May 3, 2019

Effects of Fast Food on Brain Function

By: Sarita Sok

Fast food has tremendous effects on our brain function.

According to Neuroscientist Amy Reichelt, fast food causes our brain to release a chemical substance called dopamine that makes us feel good while eating it and crave for more. Therefore, the more you eat the more you crave for it.

The additives and preservatives in junk food can have impairing impacts on cognition. Foods with a high level of salt also have been shown to weaken cognitive performance. Effective cognitive performance is highly essential for each and every one of us. Eating fast food increases the risk of ineffective brain functioning.

According to ABC Science, fast food can affect our brain in just one week. In addition to that, foods that contain extra amounts of pesticides are prone to the development of severe mental health conditions. It can cause dementia which is a decline in mental ability that is severe enough to interfere with daily activity including thinking, memory, and behaviour.

Medical Daily website has shown that fast food can have a negative effect on your memory as it makes you forgetful. Too much fatty foods and sweets block the insulin from flowing in and out of the brain. Research at Brown University has found that blocking the insulin from one’s brain can cause confusion and make people incapable of following rules and instructions, and restrict the ability to create new memories.

According to Dr Kelly Purtell, research findings provide evidence that consuming fast food is linked to poorer academic performance. An article on The Telegraph about research on 8,000 students has illustrated that children who ate more junk food have poorer scores in tests for math, science and reading.

Overall, to ensure healthy mental conditions, people should avoid eating too much fast food.

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